From Here to There
Curated by Leonie Roessler
From Here to There
Curated by Leonie Roessler
Curated by Leonie Roessler
A playlist of recent electronic works from artists who are playing the field now. True diversity in sound and heritage - Iranian, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Irish - to name a few. Made of real sounds and artificial ones, ranging from direct to sharp to static to quickly moving to grand to elusive... Compiled for Limited Access 7, to be heard in concert and then as an ongoing installation.
Siamak Anvari - GabbehTomer Baruch - Aquifer
Sjoerd Brill - Nauru
C-drík & Aluviana - Ely
Barbara Ellision - UP17
Francisco Lopez - untitled#333 [for A a]’
Marco Molteni - Effimere Emergenze, Eremi, Eclissi
Leonie Roessler - Piano Bits
So Oishi - Untitled