Day One

April 7th,2017

Aaran Gallery


Limited Access Forum

Limited Access Forum, like previous editions which featured programs like Wandering Islands and Archipelago is a combination of newly discovered pieces with a glimpse of the archive at Parking video library. The program wishes to act as a platform to meet, share works and ideas for various artists and practitioners working with New Media, at the time academia and various other circumstances promote individualism instead of collective approach in knowledge transfer, Contributing to the division between disciplines, the Forum was designed to enhance cross disciplinary communication and networks.

Rooberoo Mansion

4 to 9 pm


Early Iranian Videos from the 90s
Curated by Parking video library

Re-visit tries to showcase some early examples of Iranian video art from the mid-90s to 00s.This research-screening overlooks at a decade of this rather emerging practice in the context of reappearing the term “Iranian contemporary art”. Since 2000, Video and moving images became a growing medium among generations of practitioners experimenting within new territories of expression. The more video works gained international attention and recognition the stronger and more vibrant, the scene became, later on, this would turn into one of the few independent venues for exposure of contemporary art from the country beyond Market and exoticism.

7 pm


Non Pacific Co-existance of Numbers and Days Studio 51 (Bahar Samadi & Navid Salajegheh)

Performance Duration: 30min

Installation: Photo Slides, Slide Projector, Recorded Dialogue, Water, Water Tank, Water Pump, Acrylic Paint, Syringe, Aluminum, Wood, Plexiglass, Steel Cable \ 2014

2015\ Aaran projects, Tehran, Iran
2014\ The Guesthouse, Cork, Irland

Stacks of family photo-slides were bought from an unknown person. The dates and the texts reveals the fact that they contain the history of a family for over two decades: persons, places, parties, holidays … Maybe just a voyeuristic eye, can find a relation between these slides. Although in the absence of their actual memory, new scriptures can be playfully added to them. Then during this textual game, two separate texts are formed after a process of investigation which rapidly turn into a conversation between the artists. In a slide projection they are destined to pass through a device to be processed again.

New Media Projects

4 to 7 pm

Remote Homecoming

Curated by Amirali Ghasemi / Parking Video Library

Remote Homecoming is a platform designed to bring videos made by Iranians across the border remotely back home, and to bridge the gap between so-called “inside” and “outside”, while acknowledging.these terms are fading rather quickly or at least are changing tremendously as we speak, still there are numerous obstacles to communicating between the scenes and there is a lot to be learnt. Chapter one of remote homecoming was a selection of short films, videos, and performances from a wide range of Iranian artists from emerging to established and tried to show a gradient of practices across various disciplines and mediums, and was premiered at Limited Access 3 in Tehran & London. The 2nd edition of this program hopes for widening the definition of the medium by sharing a variety of approaches, frameworks, and mediums. To imagine an aperture to what is yet unseen even in this post-social network era we live in. Ever decreasing the level of attention span, with the massive flux of data running on shallow and fragmented streams, one should appreciate having offline time, pretending everything is not about having the fastest access to “the latest” and to start having faith in “the slowness” again.

Pejman Foundation (Kandovan Building)

5-6pm, 6-7pm

Shattered Frames: Recent video work from Iran

Curated by Sohrab Kashani

In collaboration with Conflict Kitchen and the Center for the Arts in Society at Carnegie Mellon University. Shattered Frames: Recent video work from Iran was part of The Iranian Film and Video Festival held during March 2016 in Pittsburgh. The Iranian Film and Video Festival highlighted recent Iranian cinema and video that explored the diversity of the Iranian experience through fiction and experimental storytelling. Shattered Frames is a series of ten videos of ten Iranian artists.