Limited Access Forum, like previous editions which featured programs like Wandering Islands and Archipelago is a combination of newly discovered pieces with a glimpse of the archive at Parking video library. The program wishes to act as a platform to meet, share works and ideas for various artists and practitioners working with New Media, at the time academia and various other circumstances promote individualism instead of collective approach in knowledge transfer, Contributing to the division between disciplines, the Forum was designed to enhance cross disciplinary communication and networks.
Dafne Narvaez Berlfein will share her experience about the Sentimental Punk Series that she has been curating in Berlin´s KottiShop Projectraum on a monthly basis since Juli 2015, focusing the talk on on her current research for the project,1960s/80s avantgarde films from female directors, her work on an independent non profit space and the (personal) crossing between art praxis, activism and curatorial work.
Sentimental Punk is a monthly Structuralist/Avant-Garde serie curated by Dafne Narvaez Berlfein in Berlin's Kotti-Shop Projektraum since July 2015 on a monthly basis. #_kotti-shop Every 11th of the month Sentimental Punk presents a film selection of the body of work from one avant-garde/structural filmmaker, mostly artists that have been milestones in the history of art & filmmaking but outsiders of the film industry.
The current program is a collaborative program between two Iranian sound artists and a carefully selected moving image from the program Dafne have been curated before in Berlin.
The 30 minutes long film selection is presented twice on the same evening, to two different sound interpretations, performed live by musicians and sound artists.
Sound Artists: Aso Kohzadi and Mehrdad Mehdi